Aksaray University
Advisory Committiee



Aksaray University Faculty of Medicine Advisory Board

No. Name and Surname Position Affiliated Institution/Organization
1 Prof. Dr. Servet GÖLGELER Dean Faculty of Medicine
2 Prof. Dr. Kürşat ESER Dean Faculty of Dentistry
3 Prof. Dr. Tahir KARAŞAHİN Dean Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
4 Prof. Dr. Abdullah ÖKSÜZ Dean Faculty of Health Sciences
5 Dr. Abdullah GÜLEÇ Provincial Health Director Aksaray Provincial Health Directorate
6 Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Buğra COŞKUNER President of Medical Chamber Aksaray Medical Chamber
7 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur KARACA Chief Physician Aksaray University Training and Research Hospital
8 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ERDAL Vice Dean Faculty of Medicine
9 Asst. Prof. Dr. Deniz ÖZKAN Vice Dean Faculty of Medicine
10 Arif KILIÇ Faculty Secretary Faculty of Medicine
11 Dr. Şenol ATAKAN President of Family Physicians Association Aksaray Family Physicians Association
12 Dr. Gökmen KURT Chief Physician Private Aksaray Hospital
13 Dr. Mehmet ORHANLI Alumni Aksaray University Training and Research Hospital
14 Elif DÜĞER Student Representative of Quality Commission Faculty of Medicine